Prepared by Susan Clifford, CPA – Principal
Below is a list of common types of income and expenses along with the document or other information you would typically provide to us. You can use this list as a guide.
We appreciate this opportunity to serve you and look forward to working with you in the coming weeks.
Type of income | Form Number or other support |
Wages | W-2s |
Interest income | 1099-INT |
Dividends | 1099-DIV |
IRA, pension, and annuity payments | 1099-R |
Social security benefits | SSA-1099 |
State tax refunds | 1099-G |
Alimony received | Amount |
Self-employment income (Schedule C) | 1099-MISC, income, expenses, fixedasset additions |
Capital gains and losses | 1099-B |
Rental property (Schedule E) | 1099-MISC, income, expenses, capital improvements, fixed asset additions |
Farm income | 1099-MISC, CCC-1099-G, 1099-PATR, income, expenses, capital improvements, fixed asset additions |
Partnerships, S corporations, trusts | Schedule K-1 |
Unemployment compensation | 1099-G |
Other income | 1099-MISC, jury duty, prizes, gambling winnings, cancellation of credit card debt |
Educator expenses | Unreimbursed classroom expenses, K-12 only |
Business expenses of reservists, performing artists, and fee-based government officials and partners and S corporation shareholders | Expenses, fixed asset additions |
Health savings account contributions | 5498-SA |
Moving expenses for members of the armed forces | Expenses and mileage (not meals) |
Contributions to SEP, SIMPLE, IRA, or qualified plan | Form 5498 |
Self-employed health insurance | Premium expense |
Penalty on early withdrawal of savings | 1099-INT |
Alimony paid | Amount and recipient’s social security number |
Student loan interest | 1098-E |
Tuition and fees | 1098-T |
Medical expenses | Totals for prescriptions, doctor and dentists, hospitals, eyeglasses and contact lenses, etc.; also medical miles |
State and local income taxes * | List payment amounts and dates paid |
Real estate taxes * | Often on 1098 if you have a mortgage |
Personal property, ad valorem, and other taxes * | Amounts |
Home mortgage interest | 1098 |
Mortgage insurance premiums | 1098 |
Investment interest | Margin interest reported by brokerage firm |
Gifts to charity | Provide details of non-cash gifts of over $500 (donee name, and address, what was donated, date, original cost, and donated value) |
* combined personal state and local income taxes, real estate taxes, and other taxes are limited to $10,000