Manufacturers and Distributors

What We Do

The profitability of today’s manufacturing companies is highly dependent on efficient production and a strong and effective supply chain model. Larger entities often enjoy economies of scale in purchasing, production, and marketing while smaller organizations can compete effectively by producing highly specialized products. But no matter your size, market segment or product line, you may have encountered issues such as volatile energy and raw material costs, hefty R&D spending, large capital expenditures and additional cost burdens due to extensive government regulation. Adding to the complexities facing this industry are an equally broad array of economic challenges including high U.S. labor costs, competition from low-cost imports and the intense competitive pressure to move manufacturing offshore.

Today’s manufacturing executives and managers face pressure to excel from a wide range of stakeholders. Hancock Askew understands this and accordingly we set and meet high expectations with specific solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of companies operating in this sector of the economy.

Whether it be audits with worldwide operations, domestic and international strategic tax planning, internal controls, inventory costing, inventory accounting and reporting issues, manufacturing efficiency reporting, M&A or valuation, our manufacturing clients rely on us because of our exceptional knowledge base, deep understanding of their industry and keen ability to recognize the nuances that make a big difference in the final results.

We also work with international companies that have US operations and can issue audit reports or verify reporting packages in accordance with US GAAP or IFRS.

What can our specialists do for you?

Hancock Askew's full-service team provides multiple services with an emphasis on maximizing value to the client through our knowledge, insight and meticulous methodology.


In high-tech manufacturing, you need a firm with a lot of sophistication. Hancock Askew has given us that for 10 years.

Tak Argentinis, CEO
Elan Technology, Inc.

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